
Kids These Days...

generative algorithm

LAN lecture
  1. a population of 1000; [think  about local maximum- could be a problem for sparse samples across the set]
  2. some evaluation to score each individual/ fitness function.s
  3. kill the ones underscore certain threshold;
  4. the survivor breed offspring. HOW?
    • the likely hood of mutation M, say 3%
    • crossover C, 5%
    • parametric representation of the individuals. 
      0000 01110 | 0000 0011 
  5. repopulate the died portion

BOOK an introduction to genetic Algorithms (complex adaptive systems)

BRIAN SCAZ lecture
Outline of the Basic Genetic
1.[Start] Generate random population of n chromosomes
2.[Fitness] Evaluate the fitness of each chromosome
3.[New population] Create a new population by repeating:
A.[Selection] Select two parent chromosomes based on their fitness
B.[Crossover] With a crossover probability cross over the parents to
form new offspring (children). If no crossover was performed,
offspring is an exact copy of parents.
C.[Mutation] With a mutation probability mutate new offspring at
each locus (position in chromosome).
D.[Accepting] Place new offspring in a new population
4.[Replace] Use new generated population for a further run of algorithm
5.[Test] If the end condition is satisfied, stop, and return the best
solution in current population
6.[Loop] Go to step 2

"Evolving 3D Morphology and Behavior by Competition "
  1.  Evolving Morphology with Control , i.e. body and brain 

      solve derivative function

      Runge-Kutta Integrator [approcimate to the order of four]


      evolutionary algorithm eg

      • rules about how values are used to describ/govern form [form, behavior, texture]
      • rules about (interrelating) operations that influence frm {i}, with feedbacks
      making wheels http://toxiclibs.org/2010/01/re-inventing-the-wheel/

      Vegetal Chair from Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec on Vimeo.

      Vegetal Chair by Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec

      Great collection of projects












      Very helpful illustration from Visual Function by Paul Mijksenaar.


      In 2030, the limitation on environmental source push human race onto the fringe. To reduce medical expense, Governments passed bill against marriage between couples carrying genetic inheritance that would possibly produce offspring with genetic diseases. Prosthesis displaying genetic disease information is force implanted to citizens. Though mostly implanted to private body area, those who can afford gene therapy would prefer to show off their purity.

      Underskin implant model in solidworks. lateral edge length 1 in.

      Reference and related work

      Genetic Diseases and Inheritance

      Growing Pains: Nurturing The Relationship Between Man & Object
      Seed and grow a piece in your body

      Body modification for Love
      My proposal includes a technique for genetically growing selected parts of your beloved person on your skin. Having a nipple of your ex-girlfriend close to the pelvic bone would be one option, growing a mole of your ex-boyfriend another. It would also be possible to grow a patch of living hair on your arm, reminding you of mum. It's much like tattoo, but you would have to shave every now and then.

      The system cannot find the file specified

      two hours to figure this out??

      [Thanks to http://forums.java.net/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=36207&tstart=150]

      "highscore.txt" should be in your project's base directory, not in any of the directories that NetBeans has created for you. In your case, it should be in:

      C:\Documents and Settings\Collin\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\Yahtzee

      Alternatively, you can find out where your file points to in your Java code:

      File file = new File("highscore.txt");

      This should output the system-dependent, unique path to where the virtual machine believes the file is, so you can see where the discrepancy is.



      Heat sensitive paper should be able to visualize the entering effect.

      facade pattern

      Architectural Record - Image Gallery
      Image courtesy Min | Day
      Min | Day
      pReflecting Wall
      Lincoln, Nebraska
      In collaboration with artists Leslie Iwai and Jamie Burmeister, Min | Day designed the surface treatment for a 1,000-foot-long and 18-foot-high retaining wall that runs along a flood-control plain between a park and the University of Nebraska. The team developed a system of stainless-steel tiles that will reflect changes in the sky, floodwater levels, and activity in the park. Inspired by the work of mathematician Roger Penrose, Min | Day devised a system that uses tiles of only two shapes to create a pattern that has a five-fold rotational symmetry but never repeats.


      fortune coookies?

      multiple display

      DualHead2Go and TripleHead2Go are small black boxes that let you connect two or three monitors to your laptop or desktop computer.
